Παρασκευή 6 Ιανουαρίου 2017


During my studies at the University of Ioannina in Greece Department of Fine Art and
Art Sciences I had the opportunity to study painting, as well as art theory, photography, sculpture and printmaking.
After this research, I continued to seek the meaning of personal art speech. I explored surrealism.
The main idea was to play with words on canvas area in order to change the conventional meaning, create a momentary illusion and break the normal use of words.

At the same time influenced by frames as scenes I began the experiment with video art, so I began taking video while I was painting. This way of "Action painting" created the inner need to paint and feel with as more senses as possible. So, I combined music with painting. I created 7 p.m.(painting music) project.
This project is in line with the central goal of research in painting music, which is to explore the role of art in emotional systems, in creation and innovation of social order and cultural knowledge, beliefs, values, ideologies, symbols and indexes.
This premise gives rise to a combination of music and painting approaches.
So I decided to apply for the Postgraduate Programme "Audiovisual Arts in the Digital Age", of the Ionian University where I was been accepted.

2016 project "7p.m.(painting music)"

2016 project "which reality?"




2015 project:surreal-ism


Surrealistic period


2014 project: "kill me later"


“Kill me later” 2014 

inspired by the below:

“ Love is as contagious as a cold. It eats away your strength, morale... If everything is imperfect in this world, love is perfect in its imperfection", "Seventh Seal",1957 directed by lngmar Bergman.

2016 project:"jazz it up a little"